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God's Solution Sanctuary
Thursday, February 06, 2025
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Identify the spoiler



1.   Spoilers assigned against the work of my hands, scatter in the name of Jesus.

2.   I recover everything spoilers have stolen from me in the name of Jesus.


It is my prayer that:

The work of spoilers will come to an end in your life, family and destiny and may you recover every good thing that spoilers have stolen from you or destroyed in your life in the name of Jesus.


Text: Job 1:15

and the spoilers came and took them for a prey, and slew the servants with the sword; and I having escaped alone am come to tell thee.


Who or what is a spoiler?

·       a person who robs or ravages

·       one that spoils

·       a person or team that surprisingly defeats a competitor that is expected to win

·       a plunderer or robber

·       a person or thing that causes spoilage or corruption

·       a person or thing that spoils.

·       a person who robs or ravages; a plunderer.


Why is it important to identify the spoiler?

You need to understand:

·       The type of battle you are fighting.

·       Who you are fighting.

·       How strong your enemy is – how strong the spoiler working against you is.

·       What weapons the spoiler is using.

Jesus advised that you take stock of what you have and take account of what your enemy has and is using.

This may inform immediate surrender, retreat, reinforcement or re-equipping or continued battle to obtain victory.

In Luke 14, the Bible states:

31Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? 32Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace. 33So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.


We are not to turn back in battle, we are victors and overcomers. Note that in the armor of battle that God has given us there is no covering for our backs (Ephesians 6:10-20).

I once attended a School of Disciples for 10 years. Each year you learn 3 things:  know your enemy, know yourself and the weapons of your warfare with increasing levels of exposure and understanding of your enemy and his modes of operation, yourself and your empowerment and the weapons available to you for warfare.

In the program you study:

·       know your enemy – Year 1, know yourself – Year 1 and the weapons of your warfare – Year 1.

·       know your enemy – Year 2, know yourself – Year 2 and the weapons of your warfare – Year 2; up to

·       know your enemy – Year 10, know yourself – Year 10 and the weapons of your warfare – Year 10.


Don’t turn back in battle, overcome the spoilers.

May God give you the capacity, fire, and weapons to defeat, overcome and destroy the spoilers in the name of Jesus.


Nature of Spoilers


A. There are internal spoilers and there are external spoilers.

Matthew 15: 16“Do you still not understand?” Jesus asked. 17“Do you not yet realize that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then is eliminated? 18But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things defile a man. 19For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander. 20These are what defile a man, but eating with unwashed hands does not defile him.”

Adulteries, fornication, lies, lying, stealing, gossip, backbiting, evil thoughts from within, they defile (pollute, stain, make dirty) the soul, spirit, and body of an individual.

Internal spoilers are very dangerous, if the enemy within does not sell you out to the external enemy, the enemy outside will be powerless over you. This was one of the reasons Jesus said:

a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’ Matthew 10:36.

You live in a house called your body since man is made up of three components: man is a spirit who lives in a body and has a soul.


B: Spoilers are spiritual entities with physical manifestations.

We will see more of this as we look at some specific nature and attributes of spoilers.


Specific Nature of Spoilers

1.    Spoilers have children. Children of the spoilers are to advance forward the work of parent spoilers on a generational basis. This is why some people experience problems that their parents experienced.


Daniel 11:14 - And in those times many shall rise up against the king of the south; and the children of the spoilers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; and they shall fail.

The assignment of children of spoilers will not prosper in your life and generations in the name of Jesus.


2.    The goal of the spoiler is to take people for a prey, to enslave and misuse/abuse them.

Job 1:15 - and the spoilers came and took them for a prey, and slew the servants with the sword; and I having escaped alone am come to tell thee.

The spoilers slay the servants. Servants are what supports an individual. These may be finances, sound health, family, work, academics, emotional stability, lack of stress etc. It is important that the spoilers are not able to slay your servants and support systems etc.

The spoiler will not be able to take you for a prey in Jesus’ name.

You will not be abused or misused in Jesus’ name.

Spoilers will not be able to destroy my servants and support systems in the name of Jesus.


3.    God sends spoilers against the adversaries of His people.

In Jeremiah 51:2b, the Bible states: And I will send forth against Babylon spoilers, and they shall spoil her, and shall ravage her land.

May God send spoilers against your adversaries in Jesus’ name.


4.    God created wasters to spoil your adversaries.


Isaiah 54:16 “Behold, I have created the blacksmith Who blows the coals in the fire, Who brings forth an instrument for his work; And I have created the spoiler to destroy.

You will not be wasted by spoilers.

The Spoilers of the Almighty God will spoil your adversaries in Jesus’ name.


5.    Spoilers can come out against an individual or family with combined forces.


In 1 Samuel 13:17, the Bible states: And the spoilers came out of the camp of the Philistines in three companies: one company turned unto the way that leadeth to Ophrah, unto the land of Shual:


Sometimes, spoilers may want to overwhelm a person by coming out in three companies. They may want to overwhelm by joining forces. They learnt it from God -  that a threefold cord is not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12).

            You will not be overwhelmed by spoilers in Jesus’ name.

May spoilers coming against you scatter in seven ways in Jesus’ name.




6.    God can be your shelter from the spoiler:

In Isaiah 16:4, the Bible says: Let My outcasts dwell with you, O Moab; Be a shelter to them from the face of the spoiler. For the extortioner is at an end, Devastation ceases, The oppressors are consumed out of the land.

God is able shield you from the face and power of the spoiler.

God is able to end the work and power of the extortioner in your life.

God has the capacity to end devastation of the spoilers of your life, family, career, business, ministry, finances, and endeavors.

God can consume oppressors out of your life and land.

May God shelter you from the face of the spoiler in the name of Jesus.


How do you identify the spoiler or your spoilers?

1.    Be born again. When you are a child of God, God will be able to speak to you since He leads and guides His children.

2.    Ask God to reveal who or what the spoiler is. Pray inquiry prayers for God to reveal the nature, type, strength, capacity, tools etc. of the spoilers.

3.    Study the word of God to understand the workings of the spoilers. You need to understand clearly the modus operandi (mode of operation) of the spoilers by the help of the Holy Spirit so you are not fighting like one who is beating the air (1 Corinthians 9:26).




1.              Father, help me to identify spoilers operating around my life, family and destiny in the name of Jesus.





1.    Give thanks


2.    Born again?


3.    Spoilers, stop your work concerning my life, family, career, academics, health, finances, marriage, and destiny in the name of Jesus.


4.    Spoilers, you will not prevail over good things in my life in the name of Jesus.


5.    I obtain a sevenfold recovery of good things stolen from my life, family, health, academics, career, business, finances, ministry, and destiny in the name of Jesus.


6.    Father give me the capacity, fire, and weapons to defeat, overcome and destroy the spoilers in the name of Jesus.


7.    I will succeed by the hands of the Almighty God. My family will succeed in the name of Jesus.


8.    I receive healing and deliverance from every sickness and difficult situation in Jesus’ name.


9.    Father lay your hand of healing and deliverance on our loved ones with special needs in Jesus’ name.


10.My life and family are shielded with the blood of Jesus against every attack from the kingdom of darkness in Jesus’ name.


11.I receive the anointing of ease in my endeavors in Jesus’ name.


12.Personal prayer points.


13.Give thanks.


May God be a shelter to you from the face, hands, and power of the spoiler in the name of Jesus.

The work of the extortioner will come to an end in your life and family in the name of Jesus.

May God end the devastation of the spoilers of your life, family, career, business, academics, finances, ministry, endeavors, and destiny now in the name of Jesus.

May God consume oppressors out of your life and land by fire in the name of Jesus.


