For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37. God's Solution Ministries (GSM) aka God's Solution Sanctuary (GSS) brings God's word of comfort and healing to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you and yours. Blessings.
God's Solution Sanctuary
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Give Thanks!



1.    I will not be an ungrateful person in the name of Jesus.

2.    Anything that wants to take thanksgiving to God out of my life, expire in the name of Jesus.



Psalm 103:1-5

1Bless the Lord, O my soul;
And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
2Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget not all His benefits:
3Who forgives all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases,
4Who redeems your life from destruction,
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
5Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.




What does it mean to give?


·       To let go

·       To confer on another person, individual, family, community, or an entity something that was previously yours or in your possession.

·       To be a blessing by ‘gifting’ something that was yours or was under your control.

·       Requires the agreement of your total being. Your spirit, soul and body must be in agreement with the act  of giving. Where internal agreement is absent, unwillingness sets in, leading to dissatisfaction and the giver wishes he or she had not given. The gift is essentially recalled and retrieved in the mind of the ‘giver’.

This is why God does not want things given unwillingly or grudgingly. God loves a cheerful giver.


The Bible states in 2 Corinthians 9:7 that Let each one give [thoughtfully and with purpose] just as he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver [and delights in the one whose heart is in his gift].


May the grace for acceptable giving be upon your lives in Jesus name.



What is Thanks or Thanksgiving?

1. It is appreciation.

2. It is gratitude and an expression of gratitude for good received by a person, family, community, nation, or entity.


3. It is heartfelt understanding that what you received is not owed to you but was granted to you out of mercy. For instance, what did you do to merit being given the breath of life you have in you or the breath you will breathe tomorrow. How much did you pay for each strand of hair on your head etc. Be appreciative.

4. It is being mindful of what you have been given. Whatever you have now was given to you.  It could have been given to someone else.

5. When people do things for you or help you, they could have helped others instead, but God moved them to help you. You need to be grateful.


Giving thanks therefore is deep-seated gratitude and appreciation of benefits and promises received.


May God give you the grace to be thankful in Jesus’ name


Sometimes what comes to mind of individuals regarding thankfulness to people and God are:

·       Why should I give thanks?

·       Given what I am going through is it worthwhile giving thanks?

·       What is there to give thanks for?

·       Given all the goals I am yet to achieve, is there anything worth thanking God for?

·       Considering the levels of failure in current and past endeavors, do I have any reason to give thanks?

Why We Should Give Thanks

1.    It is a command from God. (Psalm 105:1, 1 Chronicles 16:34, Psalm 136: - all the 26 verses in Psalm 136 states we should give thanks. etc)


give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.

give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endures for ever.


2.    It is the will of God for our lives. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you ( 1 Thessalonians 5:18).


3.    It attracts the hosts (armies) of heaven to fight your battles and give you victory (2 Chronicles 20).


4.    It pleases God and motivates, commits God to bless you (Matthew 8:1-3).


5.    For salvation of your soul from eternal damnation in hell (1 Peter 1:1-9).


6.    For His protection, provision, and sustenance.


7.    For being alive and in health etc.





Main causes of un-thankfulness or failure to give thanks.


1.    Satanic hinderance: Satan would not want anyone to give thanks to God. We are commanded several times to give God thanks. People who do not give thanks are disobeying God and judgement and repercussions will follow. Satan therefore makes it a point of duty in his restlessness to hinder careless Christians and those who are not watchful from praising and thanking God as commanded. Avoid that trap. Give thanks always.


2.    Troubles of the past or past failures


3.    Fear


4.    Worry and anxiety about the future - the days, weeks, months, years and decades to come.


5.    Lack of Bible Salvation which may lead to lack of appreciation of what God has done, is doing and will yet do.


Nothing will hinder you from being thankful to God in the name of Jesus.




1.    Un-thankfulness depart from my life and destiny in the name of Jesus.

2.    I will not miss the blessings of being thankful in Jesus’ name.






1.    Give thanks.


2.    Born again?


3.    I reject satanic hinderance to my being in the will of God in Jesus name.


4.    Where I have been pushed out of the way and will of God, I receive divine relocation to the right path in Jesus’ name.


5.    Antagonists of my right standing with God, be bound and give way in the name of Jesus.


6.    I receive freedom to walk with God in a manner that pleases God in Jesus name.


7.    My praises and thanksgiving will always be acceptable to God in Jesus name.


8.    My praise and worship will be a sweet incense in the presence of God in Jesus name.


9.    I will not miss heaven at last in Jesus’ name.


10.I receive grace to be thankful in the name of Jesus.


11.I reject loss of progress, loss of advancement and stagnancy. I will make supernatural progress and advancement in Jesus’ name.


12.Power to get wealth, come upon my life in Jesus’ name.


13.I receive healing and deliverance from every sickness and difficult situation in Jesus’ name.


14.Evil conspiracies against my life scatter in the name of Jesus.


15.Unrelenting antagonists and conspirators working against my life and progress, antagonise and destroy yourselves in Jesus’ name.


16.Goliath, Pharaoh and Herod of my father’s and mother’s houses be bound and expire in Jesus’ name.


17.Father, heal all those who are sick or have been infected by the corona virus in Jesus’ name.


18.Lord, let the pandemic die out of lives, our communities, and nations in the name of Jesus.


19.I bind every strongman that have stolen from me and recover my goods in Jesus name.


20.I will not die I will live by the power in the blood of Jesus.


21.I will have progressive increase, joy, peace, flourishing and great accomplishments in all areas of my life, family, career, academics, business, ministry and destiny in Jesus mighty name.


22.My life and family are shielded with the blood of Jesus against every attack from the kingdom of darkness in Jesus name.


23.I receive the anointing of ease in my endeavors in Jesus name.


24.Personal prayer points.


25.Give thanks.