For with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37. God's Solution Ministries (GSM) aka God's Solution Sanctuary (GSS) brings God's word of comfort and healing to everyone. We look forward to connecting with you and yours. Blessings.
God's Solution Sanctuary
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Awake: Put on Strength and Beauty!




1.     Sing a song of praise and worship to God: Glorify His Holy Name

2.     Every power, everything assigned to prevent me from arising and awakening to strength and beauty expire by the power in the blood of Jesus.

3.     I awake, I arise, and put on strength and beauty by the power in the blood of Jesus.


Text: Isaiah 52:1

Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.

Note: This is a call to:

·       Awake,

·       Rise up from slumber, 

·       Be quickened,

·       Move from weakness to strength, and

·       Move from darkness into the glorious light of Christ.

May you:

·       Awake,

·       Rise up from slumber, 

·       Be quickened,

·       Move from weakness to strength, and

·       Move from darkness into the glorious light of Christ.

In the name of Jesus Christ


A Reawakening means:

·       Awareness of God's presence around you.

·       Awareness of the presence of angels around you and the working of angels.

·       Awareness of your position in God reflecting His glory - 1 Corinthians 11

·       Awakening in the place of worship, praise, and thanksgiving

·       Awakening in the place of prayer.

May you receive an:

·       Awareness of God's presence around you.

·       Awareness of the presence of angels around you and the working of angels.

·       Awareness of your position in God and reflecting on His glory

·       Awakening in the place of worship, praise, and thanksgiving

·       Awakening in the place of prayer.

By the power in the blood of Jesus in Jesus’ name.


Why is it important to awake?

1.     Full satisfaction is obtainable when you awake to have an encounter with God in righteousness as you behold His face.

The Bible states in Psalm 17:15 that:

As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness. (KJV)

As for me, I shall see Your face in righteousness; I will be [fully] satisfied when I awake [to find myself] seeing Your likeness.(AMP)

May you have an encounter with God as you behold His face and receive full satisfaction in the name of Jesus.


2.     When you awake, Jesus Christ gives you His light.

For this reason He says, “Awake, sleeper, And arise from the dead, And Christ will shine [as dawn] upon you and give you light.” (Ephesians 5:14)

·       His light dispels darkness from your life.

·       His light gives you the fullness of life.

·       His light brings the shining beauty and glory of God upon your life.

May the light of Christ

·       dispel darkness from your life.

·       give you the fullness of life.

·       bring the shining beauty and glory of God upon your life.

In the name of Jesus Christ.


3.     Our eternal salvation is closer than when we first believed.

Do this, knowing that this is a critical time. It is already the hour for you to awaken from your sleep [of spiritual complacency]; for our salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed [in Christ]. (Romans 13:11).


4.     Your current level of awakening and your level of awakening when you leave this world determines your future and eternal awakening.

And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. (Daniel 12:2)




What happens when you awake and put on strength and beauty?

Psalm 7:

6Arise, O Lord, in Your anger;
Lift Yourself up because of the rage of my enemies;
Rise up for me to the judgment You have commanded!
8The Lord shall judge the peoples;
Judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness,
And according to my integrity within me.

9Oh, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end,
But establish the just;
For the righteous God tests the hearts and minds.
10My defense is of God,
Who saves the upright in heart.

A.    God will arise in anger against your enemies to stop their evil works in your life, marriage, family, career, academics, finances, business, ministry, and destiny.

B.    God will lift up Himself to quench the rage of your enemies, give you victory and cause you to smile, laugh and rejoice.

C.    God will judge (arrest, convict and sentence your enemies to incapacitate them from being able to afflict you) your adversaries.

D.    The wickedness of the wicked will come to an end in your life, marriage, family, career, academics, finances, business, ministry, and destiny.

E.    God will establish you.

F.    God will defend you and always be your defense.

G.   Your glory will awake and arise (Psalm 57:8).


What does it mean to put on strength?

·       Put on strength – to have, retain and be able to use the might and ability to get things done.

·        Why the strength of God? This is because the strength of man will fail. (Jeremiah 17:5).

·        Your own strength can only take you as far as flesh and human might can take you.

·        The arm of flesh - depending on other mortal beings will fail. This is apparent because men who cannot help themselves cannot really help you.

Only God can really help you and He will help you this year in Jesus’ name.

May God the strength of Israel strengthen you out of Zion in the name of Jesus.

Receive strength in every area you need strength in the name of Jesus.
Receive emotional strength in the name of Jesus
Receive the strength of grace in the name of Jesus.
Receive physical strengthening in the name of Jesus.

How and why? The Bible says in Psalm 89:13 that: Thou hast a mighty arm, strong is thy hand and high is your right hand.

No opposition you will face this year can withstand the mighty arm of the Lord.

The strong student hand of God will crush your oppositions, problems, oppressors, and their oppression completely out of your life and situations in Jesus’ name.

The high right hand of the Lord will lift you to a level where the hands of the enemy cannot reach you or bring you down.

Remember you are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:4)

Zion and Jerusalem are used figuratively here to represent that person and people in whom God delights and have set apart for His glory.

God has purposed to beautify your life, hence the instruction to put on your beautiful garments. You will not miss your ordained beauty in Jesus’ name.

No matter your past, God wants to clothe you with garments of beauty. Even if you are currently wearing filthy garments like Joshua the high priest. These will be replaced by garments of beauty.

Arm yourself with beauty, by allowing the character of God to be demonstrated o your life and through you when you exhibit the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-24

In order not to lose your beauty and strength do not allow uncleanness to come into your life and home. Do away with works of the flesh Galatians 5:19-21, Colossians 3:1-17.


What should you do to awake and put on strength and beauty?

1.     Be born again

2.     Be a of the Bible

3.     Love righteousness

4.     Be obedient to God’s instructions

5.     Be prayerful


My ordained glory, strength, and beauty, manifest in Jesus’ name.





1.     Give thanks

2.     Born again?

3.     My stolen glory, strength, and beauty, I recover you by fire in the name of Jesus.

4.     Divine empowerment, beauty, and blessings, come upon my life in the name of Jesus.

5.     Personal prayer points.

6.     Give thanks.



Receive help from the helpers you need in the name of Jesus.

Receive grace to be strengthened financially in the name of Jesus.

Receive the strength of wisdom and knowledge in the name of Jesus.

You will not miss your day of  celebrations 🎉 in Jesus name.